Controll® Innerseal
Controll® Topseal
Innerseal Plus (+)
Controll® Conclean
Controll® Deepclean
Biogas Plant Treatment
Skate Parks
Informações gerais
Wastewater Tank protected with Controll® Innerseal
Our latest project took over a month and involved a very complicated Wastewater Tank within the rocks of Norway. It has been completed and heavily tested to make sure that no future leakages occur. It is very difficult to drain Granite Rocks and make sure wastewater leakage does not leak into the groundwater. There are many sensors within the concrete to control if leakage occurs, but it will never happen. Refer to our Oil platforms in the Ocean section References.
This Wastewater tank project is another huge project based on our very high technical support and engineering team combined with our outstanding product, Innerseal, manufactured by Komsol.
We have done similar projects for bunkers for civil protection as in the case of an Atomic attack in Sweden, Finland, Norway and the US. These Bunkers are now mainly used as parking garages.
We have many bunkers for NATO and in Saud Arabia protecting huge oil depots underground which we protected with Innerseal more than 40 years ago! As well as similar water tanks storage in all kind of sizes in many countries.
Please bear in mind there is almost no concrete problem we can’t solve better and more efficient as anyone else in the World using our product Innerseal, as proved scientifically, it increases the lifetime of concrete by up to 3 times.
Controll® Innerseal is non-toxic and therefore not distinguishing mark according to the hazardous substances regulation. It is colourless, odourless, solvent-free, and non-flammable. Controll® Innerseal makes concretes resistant to chemical attack and impervious to water against both, positive and negative hydrostatic pressure, and is an active a deeply urgent corrosion protection of reinforcement steel in concrete (Deep penetration > 195 mm). Also, any harmful salts in the mineral building material cast out during the crystallization and curing process.
Beyond the product properties Controll® Innerseal and Controll® Topseal stand out due to low cost and short lay on times.
Todos os detalhes e recomendações técnicas em nosso site ou folhas de dados são baseados em nosso conhecimento e experiência. Cada caso específico deve ser estudado de forma independente, para que as indicações e informações sejam meramente indicativas, sujeitas a confirmação após aplicações a longo prazo. Por esse motivo, recomenda-se que aqueles que pretendem usar o Inreseal ou o Topseal para garantir que sejam adequados ao uso pretendido antes de usar os produtos - somente o usuário é totalmente responsável pelas consequências resultantes o uso de nossos produtos.
Nur wenige Produkte wie Controll©Innerseal sind derartig durchleuchtet worden und haben alle Anforderungen in der Welt bestanden
European Official test by Law in all European countries CE, DIN EN 1504-2 System 2+ CE & 1504-8 Certificate for drinking water facilities UNE-DIN EN ISO 12873-2
INNERSEAL EN 1504-2, System 2+: The notified body Identification number 1111 performed the initial inspection of the manufacturing plant and of factory production control and the continuous surveillance, assessment and evaluation of factory production control under system 2+ and issued: Certificate of the yearly conformity of the factory production control 1111-CPR-0556, CE, 1504-2, System 2+ certified, 100% ECO friendly 0% VOC, certified for use with drinking water.
EN 1504-2 Products and systems for the protection and repair of concrete structures - Definitions, requirements, quality control and evaluation of conformity - Part 2: Surface protection systems for concrete.
INNERSEAL EN 1504-2, System 2+: CE und Zertifikate Herstellung Kontrolle 1111-CPR-0556, 100% ökologisch, kein VOC, Zulassung in Verbindung mit Trinkwasser UNE-EN ISO 12873-2
Zertifizierungsstelle für die Jährliche werkseigene Produktionskontrolle: ist eine staatliche notifizierte Stelle, die die erforderliche Kompetenz und Verantwortlichkeit zur Durchführung der Zertifizierung der werkseigenen Produktionskontrolle nach den vorgegebenen Verfahrens- und Durchführungsregeln besitzt. CE und 2+ prüft sämtliche Produkte und Verfahren von Komsol und nicht nur stichweise.
1504-2 Produkte und Systeme für den Schutz und die Instandsetzung von Betontragwerken - Definitionen, Anforderungen, Qualitätsüberwachung und Beurteilung der Konformität - Teil 2: Oberflächenschutzsysteme für Beton
1504 – 8 Produkte und Systeme für den Schutz und die Instandsetzung von Betontragwerken in Verbindung mit Wasser - Definitionen, Anforderungen, Qualitätskontrolle und AVCP - Teil 8: Qualitätskontrolle und Bewertung und Überprüfung der Leistungsbeständigkeit (AVCP); Deutsche Fassung EN 1504-8:2016
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PDF, DIN und BASTINNERSEAL® Certificado de conformidad anual del control de producción de fábrica 1111-CPR-0556, CE, 1504-2, Sistema 2+ certificado.
100% ECOLÓGICOS 0% libre de COV (compuestos orgánicos volátiles), certificado para su uso en agua potable, EN-CE 1504-2 Sistema 2+ y 1504-8 Certificado para instalaciones de agua potable UNE-EN ISO 12873-2
EN 1504-2, Sistema 2+: El Número de identificación 1111 otorgado por organismo notificado, realiza la inspección inicial de la planta de fabricación, del control de producción de fábrica y la vigilancia y evaluación continua del control de la producción de fábrica bajo el sistema 2+ y emitido:
Certificado de conformidad anual del control de producción de fábrica 1111-CPR-0556, CE, 1504-2, Sistema 2+ certificado. Productos y sistemas para la protección y reparación de estructuras de hormigón - Definiciones, requisitos, control de calidad y evaluación de la conformidad - Parte 2: Sistemas de protección de superficies para hormigón.
PDF Importancia del Sistema 1504-2 sistema 2+Komsol product are REACH registered for the enviroment protection
REACH is a regulation of the European Union --- REACH-Verordnung ist eine Verordnung der Europäischen Union: ---
REACH es un reglamento de la Unión Europea ---
Additional tests in the world by:
KOMSOL - Natrium silicate-based, environmentally friendly products are used today in many different contexts to prolong the useful life and to lower the maintenance costs for old as well as new concrete and brick constructions.