Controll® Innerseal
Controll® Topseal
Innerseal Plus (+)
Controll® Conclean
Controll® Deepclean
Biogas Plant Treatment
Skate Parks
General Information

Innerseal Plus(+) reinforces concrete surfaces against heavy wear and tear as well as providing protection against chlorides and aggressive liquids. The protection is open to diffusion, long-lasting and acid resistant.
Innerseal Plus(+) is a surface reinforcement and protecting treatment for vulnerable concrete areas such as industrial floors and in multi-storey car parks. Innerseal Plus(+) is also used to harden surfaces and for binding dust during grinding and polishing of concrete floors. The result is a very impact and scratch resistant surface.
Innerseal Plus(+) penetrates deep into the capillaries, micro- cracks and pores. A reaction then takes place between salts and minerals to form a very hard calcium silicate hydride. This results in a crystalline structure that stops the transport of water but lets vapours pass through (diffusion). Because the protection is deeply seated, it is insensitive to external influences such as abrasion and impacts.
One treatment increases the durability (abrasion resistance) of new concrete by more than 35% as well as reinforcing older weathering concrete, plaster and cement-based self-leveling floor screed.
The treated surface becomes slightly water repellent (hydrophobic) and this is a final treatment. If there is excess damp in the substrate, a deep waterproofing pre-treatment should be done using Controll ®Innerseal.
Roads, bridges, tunnels
Car parks and garages
Water & sewerage systems
Industrial and warehouse floors
Marine environments
Vehicle washing stations
Freezer rooms
Agriculture, biogas silos
Sawmills, paper mills
Recycling and waste facilities
Balconies, stairs
Environmentally friendly
Open for diffusion
Acid resistant
One-off treatment
Increases the useful life
Reduces the need for maintenance
Binds dust
Easier to keep clean

Performance tested and approved in accordance with:
EN 1504-2+ (SP/CBI) Products and systems for the protection and
repair of concrete structures – Surface protection systems for concrete
DIN 11622-2 (TÜV)
Chemical resistance for waste / biogas plants
Innerseal Plus(+) is delivered ready to use and must not be mixed with other liquids or diluted. Shake the container before use. The surface to be treated must be free of dust, paint, grease or any other coating that may obstruct the substrate’s absorption.
Damage and visible cracks (>1.0 mm) must be repaired prior to treatment. Protect glass, aluminium and other polished or painted surfaces to prevent etching. In the case of splashes, flush immediately with water and, where necessary, clean with acid; e.g. Controll® ConClean.
The temperature during application and for the following 24 hours must be ≥ +5o C. Avoid application in direct sunlight.
Apply with a low pressure spray or impregnation roller and carry out wet-in-wet at least twice with approx. 5-15 min between application, until full saturation is attained. Treat the spray mist with caution as it can travel long distances and cause damage to glass.
On horizontal concrete surfaces, Innerseal Plus(+) can be poured out and kept in motion with a rubber squeegee, brush or polish mop. Prevent dry patches from forming during treatment. Full saturation is attained after approx. 20-30 min. Stop when the Innerseal Plus(+) starts to “gel”, which usually occurs sooner on new concrete. Remove excess, otherwise shiny or white patches may form.
Ready for foot traffic after approx. 3 hr. Can be exposed to water after 6 hr and heavier traffic after 24 hr. Full resistance to aggressive liquids is attained after 36 days.
0.15-0.3 l/m2 depending on the absorptive capacity of the substrate and the penetration depth required. Perform a test to estimate the coverage.
Tools: water of acidic solution. Skin: soap and water
Do not use cleaners with pH 7. For floors, soap for concrete containing silicates is recommended.
Use only in well-ventilated areas. Protect airways against the spray mist, which can cause irritation. There are no known harmful effects but we recommend wearing gloves and goggles during application. Read carefully the safety data sheet prior to starting work.
Recommended by Scandinavian Byggvarubedömningen (Green Building Material Assessment) and SundaHus.
Products and systems for the protection and repair of concrete structures – part 2: Surface protection products for concrete, table: ZA.1b / ZA.1.
Extract from declaration of performance:
Depth of penetration ………… Class II >10 mm
Abrasion resistance …………. > 30%
Permeability ………………. W < 0.1 kg/m2 h0.5
Impact resistance .............. Class III: >20 Nm
Adhesion strength (pull off) ……. 3.0 N/mm2
Reaction to fire ……………. Euro class 1 (fireproof)
Dangerous substances comply with ………………. 5.4 / No requirements
Appearance ………………. Slightly cloudy liquid
Active ingredients ………….. Lithium and calcium silicate
pH …………………….. 11.3
VOC content ……………… 0 g/l
Density……………… 1.2 g/cm3
Flash point ……………….. Missing
Freezing point …………….. 0° C
Fire ……………………. Non-flammable
Packaging ……………….. 20 l / 1000 l
Storage/shelf-life …………… Cool, dark / > 36 months.
Maynor A/S, Kleppsto, NORGE
Although the technical details and recommendations contained in this data sheet correspond to the best of our knowledge and experience, all the above information must, in every case, be taken as merely indicative and subject to confirmation after long term practical applications; for this reason, anyone who intends to use the Inner and Topseal must ensure before used that it is suitable for the envisaged application in every case. The user alone is fully responsible for any consequences deriving from use of our products.
TESTED AROUND THE WORLD | 100% eco, deep penetrating, no VOC
Nur wenige Produkte wie Controll©Innerseal sind derartig durchleuchtet worden und haben alle Anforderungen in der Welt bestanden
European Official test by Law in all European countries CE, DIN EN 1504-2 System 2+ CE & 1504-8 Certificate for drinking water facilities UNE-DIN EN ISO 12873-2

INNERSEAL EN 1504-2, System 2+: The notified body Identification number 1111 performed the initial inspection of the manufacturing plant and of factory production control and the continuous surveillance, assessment and evaluation of factory production control under system 2+ and issued: Certificate of the yearly conformity of the factory production control 1111-CPR-0556, CE, 1504-2, System 2+ certified, 100% ECO friendly 0% VOC, certified for use with drinking water.
EN 1504-2 Products and systems for the protection and repair of concrete structures - Definitions, requirements, quality control and evaluation of conformity - Part 2: Surface protection systems for concrete.

INNERSEAL EN 1504-2, System 2+: CE und Zertifikate Herstellung Kontrolle 1111-CPR-0556, 100% ökologisch, kein VOC, Zulassung in Verbindung mit Trinkwasser UNE-EN ISO 12873-2
Zertifizierungsstelle für die Jährliche werkseigene Produktionskontrolle: ist eine staatliche notifizierte Stelle, die die erforderliche Kompetenz und Verantwortlichkeit zur Durchführung der Zertifizierung der werkseigenen Produktionskontrolle nach den vorgegebenen Verfahrens- und Durchführungsregeln besitzt. CE und 2+ prüft sämtliche Produkte und Verfahren von Komsol und nicht nur stichweise.
1504-2 Produkte und Systeme für den Schutz und die Instandsetzung von Betontragwerken - Definitionen, Anforderungen, Qualitätsüberwachung und Beurteilung der Konformität - Teil 2: Oberflächenschutzsysteme für Beton
1504 – 8 Produkte und Systeme für den Schutz und die Instandsetzung von Betontragwerken in Verbindung mit Wasser - Definitionen, Anforderungen, Qualitätskontrolle und AVCP - Teil 8: Qualitätskontrolle und Bewertung und Überprüfung der Leistungsbeständigkeit (AVCP); Deutsche Fassung EN 1504-8:2016
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INNERSEAL® Certificado de conformidad anual del control de producción de fábrica 1111-CPR-0556, CE, 1504-2, Sistema 2+ certificado.
100% ECOLÓGICOS 0% libre de COV (compuestos orgánicos volátiles), certificado para su uso en agua potable, EN-CE 1504-2 Sistema 2+ y 1504-8 Certificado para instalaciones de agua potable UNE-EN ISO 12873-2
EN 1504-2, Sistema 2+: El Número de identificación 1111 otorgado por organismo notificado, realiza la inspección inicial de la planta de fabricación, del control de producción de fábrica y la vigilancia y evaluación continua del control de la producción de fábrica bajo el sistema 2+ y emitido:
Certificado de conformidad anual del control de producción de fábrica 1111-CPR-0556, CE, 1504-2, Sistema 2+ certificado. Productos y sistemas para la protección y reparación de estructuras de hormigón - Definiciones, requisitos, control de calidad y evaluación de la conformidad - Parte 2: Sistemas de protección de superficies para hormigón.
PDF Importancia del Sistema 1504-2 sistema 2+
Komsol product are REACH registered for the enviroment protection

Additional tests in the world by:
KOMSOL - Natrium silicate-based, environmentally friendly products are used today in many different contexts to prolong the useful life and to lower the maintenance costs for old as well as new concrete and brick constructions.